Art Project

I like books… I feel like they’re the one thing I can never have enough of, airlines don’t agree and will only let you bring one 50 pound bag before they charge you huge fees.  Since I was moving to New York indefinitely I didn’t have many extra pounds to use for books so I only brought around 3 books with me.  A couple weeks ago I was asked to go have dinner with my Finish friend, her roommates and the missionaries down in the financial district (the missionaries couldn’t go if there wasn’t a third-party male present).  After dinner was done and the missionaries were gone, the Fin, roommate and I were hanging out.  I got on craigslist and looked at the free section.  There was an alert that said something about free books on the curb about 20 blocks away.  On my way back to my apartment I decided to skip the subway and walk up to the books.

When I got to the location there were literally 50 huge trash bags full of books.  I spent about 40 minutes rummaging through the bags picking out about 20 books that I thought were actually worth my time.  When I got back to my apartment I found another load of free books on the window sill next to the trash.  I looked through that and picked out 2 or 3 that looked interesting.  One of them I picked I had absolutely no interest in reading I just grabbed it because the title was so ridiculous.  It was…

As you most likely know I am currently unemployed which means I have a bit of time on my hands.  Don’t get me wrong I have plenty of stuff to do but there is only so many emails, phone calls and meetings I can do everyday.  So when I wasn’t sending out my resume to every company in Manhattan I started to play around with this book.

This is what I came up with.

~ by chj48 on June 9, 2010.

5 Responses to “Art Project”

  1. I dig it. did you find those words or write them in? Are they at different depths? Rad.

    • yeah different depths, I didn’t write them in I found them throughout the book then cut around them.

  2. i want this.

  3. this is sweet.

  4. Aawwwwww…

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